Friday, November 2, 2012

Profanity Alert

I say fuck a lot. Like a whole fuck of a lot. It's probably one of my favorite words. I grew up with three Brother Specks*, and they say fuck a lot too. Dad Speck had huge issues with that word, it's probably the reason we said it so fucking often. Then we'd get hit with a cane. Nothing makes you love a word more than a 350 pound man chasing you down and hitting you with a cane for saying it.

It's really a wonderful word. One word that can mean so many emotions all at the same time has to be great!

Love - "I fucking love you"
Hate - "I fucking hate you"
Loathe - "You're not worth my fucking time"
Last Word - "Yeah? Well fuck you"
Pleasure - "Let's fuck"
Excitement - "That's fucking awesome"
Sarcasm - "Well this is fucking wonderful"

The list goes on. For almost every emotion you can possibly have you can fit "fuck" in there and it turns it into something new and meaningful that you wouldn't get otherwise. I've seen pretty fucking awesome lists on the internet where "fuck" was used in a brilliant new way. Do you know why there are so many? Because the word is fucking amazing! I can't tell you how proud I am to be able to speak a language that has a word with such a wonderful fucking ring to it!

I saw a T-Shirt once that made me cry with envy for every fucker that had it. But I can't wear it. Because I have kids.

Have you ever noticed that once you have children, if you utter a bad word* people look at you like you're a horrible parent and you just slapped your child in the face? Pay attention, they do. It's fucking amazing how people can't keep their worries to themselves. They apparently didn't notice their little George buying speed from the person behind them because they were too fucking worried about my use of the English language. Then they wonder why their child grows up to become Big Bertha's bitch and mine just says "fuck" a lot. Maybe if you had said "fuck" now and then they wouldn't wonder what kind of "awesome" world you were hiding them from. Moron.

Even so, I am a nice fucker so I try not to say "fuck" around those who don't like it. Though I wonder why, because it's not like they try to stop giving me Christmas Gifts... No one understands mutual respect these days. Fuck

- The stars (*) mean shit.

1'st * - I actually have four brothers and two sisters. But the others were a bit older than me and weren't around when I was young.

2'nd * - Bad words differ for a lot of people. But my main concern here was "fuck". I was asked once not to say the word "hell", I laughed... That was awkward, because apparently they meant it.

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent. If this sounds like your family... You need to get George some help, because this shit was made up*

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